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Get more done in less time, and find inspiration to keep going in your business with these 10 best productivity quotes!
When trying to improve our productivity, we sometimes need a little boost of inspiration.
One of the best ways to stay inspired throughout long working weeks is to remind yourself of some of the best productivity quotes or have a laugh at a productivity meme.
These can help to keep you on track during even the most challenging days and will keep you traveling in the right direction on your journey towards a more productive life.
1. “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” – Paul J. Meyer
One of our top tips for becoming more productive is to focus on planning your day out in advance.
Instead of just working through a to-do list without any thought about the order in which you are working, intelligent planning and effort will help to bring you closer to your goals.
2. “If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.” – Bruce Lee
So many of us tend to spend so much time worrying about everything we have to do that we don’t even start to take action.
If this is something you struggle with, take pen to paper and create a list of everything you need to do that day.
Rather than sitting frozen with the thought of all you have to do, you can work through your list one thing at a time with more focus.
3. “The least productive people are usually the ones who are most in favor of holding meetings.” – Thomas Sowell
One of the biggest takeaways for many business owners and employees in the past year has been how much time we used to waste in meetings.
As an entrepreneur, we encourage you to focus on only holding productive meetings that have a purpose. If you don’t need to hold a meeting, stick to emails or quick messages.
4. “You can do anything, but not everything.” – David Allen
While you may think that multitasking your way through your working day is making you more productive, in fact, it’s often one of the biggest reasons for a lack of productivity.
Instead of trying to fit everything you possibly can into one day, focus on doing tasks well and getting one thing done at a time.
5. “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney
We’ve all worked with someone during our career who has a tendency to talk about what they want to do instead of getting to work.
If you recognize this trait in yourself, it’s time to quit talking and start putting your words into action to achieve everything you have wished for in life, as suggested in these best productivity quotes.
6. Get The Distractions Out of the Way
While we can’t deny this cat is absolutely adorable, this productivity meme shows us that distractions are often what hold us back from achieving everything we need to in our day.
Remove any distractions from your working space, whether that’s your cute kitty, your kids, or just distracting music playing in the background. This will help to clear your mind and allow you to focus on the work that you need to complete that day.
7. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it”. – Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs was so right when he said this, and it’s one of the best productivity quotes to return to when you lack inspiration. Productivity isn’t always about trying to get as much as you possibly can done in a day and is also about freeing up time to do the things you really love.
If spending time with your family or working on your health is important to you, let this be the inspiration for your productivity.
8. Don’t Sacrifice Your Sanity for Your Productivity
Productivity isn’t just about working every minute of the day and never taking a break, as this productivity meme demonstrates. In fact, taking more frequent breaks could be the key to improving your productivity.
Consider breaking your day down into short segments, and after each twenty-five-minute working block, walk away from your screen for a five-minute break.
9. “Ordinary people think merely of spending time, great people think of using it.” – Arthur Schopenhauer
Time is one of the few things in life that we’ll never get back, so make the most of it each day, as some of the best productivity quotes remind us.
One of the greatest motivations for improving your productivity should be making the most of your limited time, so continue to find ways that work for you to fit as much as possible into your working day so you can still rest and relax each evening.
10. “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” – Stephen Covey
We all have different priorities in life, and this is something that’s so important to remember. When you are creating your to-do list for tomorrow, make sure you schedule the tasks that are most important to you first.
Try to get any urgent or unpleasant tasks out of the way in the morning so they aren’t hanging over you for the rest of the day.
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The next time you are struggling with your motivation, remember these best productivity quotes or search for a funny productivity meme. These will help to inspire you on even the most challenging days and can serve as a good reminder of why you want to improve your productivity.
Remember, productivity isn’t just about trying to fit more into your working day and could also be something you want to improve in order to spend more time with your family.
By taking the time to think about how you’d like to spend your time each day, you’ll have a better idea about your priorities, and you can work to schedule these higher on your to-do list in the future.
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